Do 'complete' shopping experiences leave you 'finished'? Look for a CF!

Wife: The Malhotras are coming over for lunch tomorrow! Can you quickly run to the store and pick up some stuff for me?

Husband: It’s 9:30 in the night! Which store will be open? And there are 14 items on this list! How do you expect me to do it at this hour? Let me try this new store close by.. Not sure if I will get all these items there ... And what if we don’t get our preferred brands?

“Sure you don’t need anything else? Tell me now. And don’t call me when am driving to the store. I have to be fast, and I don’t want to hit someone on the road. So, tell me NOW”

To the Completer Finisher shopper, anything they do, must be done perfectly well. They are not at ease starting something that they know will turn out being half done.

Mediocrity is not their cup of tea! Anxiety could be their first name.

“Excuse me, I need 4 capsicums, 2 green and 2 yellow, but I see only red and yellow capsicums here”

“Sir, I’m sorry the green ones are out of stock! The red and yellow ones are fresh and delicious!”

 “I’m sure they are, but my wife asked for green capsicums. They’re not the same! I will have to pick them up elsewhere in the morning”

Capsicums are capsicums, red, green or yellow to most of us, but for the CF Shopper, God lives in the details. It’s the little things that make a difference

“Hey! You billed me two green capsicums, when I have picked just the two yellows.. how can you make that mistake?”

“Oh! Sir, I have a stock mismatch here. Am sorry for the inconvenience“

“How come you work like this? And you are a new store! I don’t accept such errors”

The CF Shopper finds his or her inner calling in flawlessness.. whatever it may entail.

Back home.. as the door opens.. the wife says: “You know, the Malhotras love caramel fudge. I will ask our cook to make it tomorrow”

“NO”, says our CF Shopper. “I will make it myself. I do it much better than you or your cook”

“There he goes again!”.. the lady of the house smiles to herself, as her husband walks in with a large bag overflowing with stuff and meticulously checked off shopping list

Delegation is not a CF’s strength. For, it may take away from the perfection they seek.

Wife: “ Wow!You took quite a while!”

Husband: “Yes I’m sorry, but aside of the green capsicums, I managed to get everything you asked for!”

Wife: “Of course! What would I do without your perfection?”

Both laugh.

With a drive for excellence and commitment to tasks, the CF shopper settles for nothing but the best!

How much of a Completer Finisher do you have in you?

Yes, I want to know how much of a CF I am. Let me begin by:

It takes COordinators to create COllaborative shopping experiences!

To keep ‘IMP’ulsive shopping in check, take an Implementer along!

For well ‘ME’asured shopping experiences.. take Monitor Evaluators along..

Wonder what it would be like to go shopping with a plant? 

‘RI’p-roaring shopping experiences.. Only with Resource Investigators!

Shapers SHape up shopping experiences... Here’s how

One thing you can’t miss about the SPecialist Shopper… The graSP!

TWinkling experiences.. when Team Workers go shopping!


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