To keep ‘IMP’ulsive shopping in check, take an Implementer along!

Husband: “ Hey, are you going to the mall today? Take the car!”

Wife: “ Yeah! I have to pick up some new clothes for myself and Tina. No, I’d rather take my red scooter. I won’t get any place to park the car. Besides, there’s too much traffic on the main road. Also, I can get the scooter washed at the mall. It’s been 15 days since I’ve got it cleaned! The scooter will just make things easier.”

*At the mall*

“Ok, so I need a navy blue top. Ah, here it is! But why is there a pink top in the blue tops section?
“Excuse me, why is this pink top here? It should be with the other pink tops! If I need a pink top, am I supposed to start looking in the blue tops section? Please make sure things are put back in the right place.”

Store assistant: “Yes ma’am, I apologize for your inconvenience.”

The Implementer shopper is highly disciplined. They will always make sure things are kept where they belong. There is a place for everything.

As she walks around the store, a promoter dressed in a red chilli costume approaches her.

Promoter: “Ma’am, do you want to try this new red hot jacket? It’s the new in-thing in fashion right now! Here you go!”

“Hmm, Could you please tell me how I’m supposed to wash this? Is it with hot water or cold water? How do I dry it? How do I store it?

Promoter “Umm, I’m not sure.. Let me ask the person in charge..”

“That’s not necessary. Show me the washing tag on the jacket.”

“Umm, it doesn’t have one. Sorry ma’am..”

And just like that the Implementer shopper walks away. They are highly process driven. If a process doesn’t work, what’s the point of having a process in the first place?

“Last time the jeans section was in this part of the store. Where is it now? Also, where are the direction signs? This is such a mess! Why do they keep re-organizing everything? Aghh! So annoying! And completely unnecessary!”

Implementers are resistant to change. They don’t see the need for change if the current way of organisation works.

*At the billing counter*

“Last time I bought a Tee shirt which didn’t fit my daughter properly. I want to return it. Here you go”

The shopkeeper looks at the package with a look of amazement.

“Ma’am, It’s in perfect condition! All the tags are intact! It’s as good as new! Wish we had more customers like you!”

Smiling, the Implementer shopper instructs the shopkeeper to neatly arrange everything inside the shopping bag. She makes sure the heavier items are at the bottom and the lighter ones on top.

She keeps the bill safely in case of any future exchange.

*At home*

Husband: “Got everything you needed? Didn’t forget anything, did you?”

Wife: “Of course not! Everything on my list is ticked”

Husband: * Rolls eyes* “You and your lists!”

Both laugh.

How much of an Implementer do you have in you? 

Yes, I want to know how much of an IMP I am. Let me begin by:

Do 'complete' shopping experiences leave you 'finished'? Look for a CF!

It takes COordinators to create COllaborative shopping experiences!

For well ‘ME’asured shopping experiences.. take Monitor Evaluators along..

Wonder what it would be like to go shopping with a plant? 

‘RI’p-roaring shopping experiences.. Only with Resource Investigators!

Shapers SHape up shopping experiences... Here’s how

One thing you can’t miss about the SPecialist Shopper… The graSP!

TWinkling experiences.. when Team Workers go shopping!


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Step 3

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