RI’p-roaring shopping experiences.. Only with Resource Investigators!

Looking for an energetic and exciting shopping experience? Be sure to take a Resource Investigator along!

You will spot the RI shopper from a distance. An RI shopper is never alone. They are always talking to someone in the store or browsing their mobile to know more or to reach out to someone who does. There is never a dull moment. Never bereft of ideas, they find them on their fingertips.

The resource investigator shopper with two shopping bags will greet every passerby on the street as they enthusiastically make their way to the mall, where an end of season sale is taking place. They are busy texting their friends about the sale. This shopper will try out a tee shirt and send pictures to their friends.

"Oh that's a lovely scarf! Do you have the same in blue?" By the time the store manager finds out if its available, the RI shopper has moved on to another apparel of interest.

Given their penchant for extensive networking, an RI shopper may know many more people in the seller's organisation than the seller himself! Sometimes, they may be better informed about a product than the sales persons themselves! And if they are not comfortable with what they see or hear, they will make multiple calls.

In case they have an issue with quality or service, they may even know people far up in the company's hierarchy! Nobody can beat an RI when it comes to bargaining. They can sweet talk their way into anything and negotiate to get the craziest deals.

The RI shoppers don’t just go to any store and just don't buy what they find there. They would’ve checked for reviews online before hitting the right store. You can count on them to have several referrals advising them on the right choice. If you're stuck in a billing queue because someone is in conversation with the billing desk, you can almost be sure its an RI shopper out there.

Don’t expect them to finish too soon because they are busy exploring the world making new contacts!

How much of a Resource Investigator do you have in you?

Yes, I want to know how much of a RI I am. Let me begin by:

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To keep ‘IMP’ulsive shopping in check, take an Implementer along!

For well ‘ME’asured shopping experiences.. take Monitor Evaluators along..

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TWinkling experiences.. when Team Workers go shopping!


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Step 3

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