TWinkling experiences.. when Team Workers go shopping!

Tom: “Hey folks! Am off to the mall! Is there something I can bring for you?”
Joe: “No, Tom! I saw your list. You already have too many packets to carry back!”
Tom: “Come on, Joe, what difference do one or two more packets make? If it will save you a trip, am happy to help!

At the mall..

Tom: “I want this blue scarf for my sister.. Your price tag says 50% off. Can you pack this please? And, if my sister doesn’t like it, can I exchange it?”
Clerk: “Sorry, Sir! This piece is not for sale!”
Tom: “Oh!... Okay…  I’ll find something else”
Supervisor to the Clerk: “I wanted you to remove that damaged piece from the display yesterday. This was a ‘nice’ Customer. Imagine if he had chosen to argue?”

Teamworkers (TW) are harbingers of harmony. They love to help. When in a billing queue, should someone want to get ahead of them in a hurry, they are most likely to step aside with a smile.  

“Let me push it for you” they will say to the elderly or to anyone struggling with their cart. They like to pick up and put back an item that falls off the aisle... point out to the clerk an item that has gone past its expiry date.

Count on a TW shopper to use his strong sense of diplomacy to play ‘peace maker’, if the store clerk has to face an irate Customer. If TWs can be a part of an automobile, they will be most comfortable being the lubricant or engine oil.

“It’s Lucy’s birthday next month! Now where are those pens she likes? I should probably pick up a nice notebook to go along with the pens as well” TW shoppers are extremely caring and supportive. 

TWs don’t crave the spotlights. They yearn to light the darkness. They may not shine burning bright. They twinkle, like the stars that make the night beautiful.  

So, take a TeamWorker along for TWinkling shopping experiences. There aren’t many TW Shoppers out there? Look again. And again. There are. The presence of the lubricant is noticed when it is absent!

How much of a Teamworker do you have in you?

Yes, I want to know how much of a TW I am. Let me begin by:

Do 'complete' shopping experiences leave you 'finished'? Look for a CF!

It takes COordinators to create COllaborative shopping experiences!

To keep ‘IMP’ulsive shopping in check, take an Implementer along!

For well ‘ME’asured shopping experiences.. take Monitor Evaluators along..

Wonder what it would be like to go shopping with a plant? 

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Shapers SHape up shopping experiences... Here’s how

One thing you can’t miss about the SPecialist Shopper… The graSP!


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