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Nobody is perfect, but a team can be. Yes, but how?

In this Scooby Doo series of posts, we have been looking at the Scooby Doo crew through the BELBIN lens, to discover what makes them a perfect team. We have looked at the whole team in Post 1, and at our protagonist Scooby himself in Post 2. We know every member of this crew is unique, and they all contribute to the team's success in their own unique ways, as they bring forth their most preferred Team Roles.

What about Scooby’s best friend Shaggy rogers? Aren’t you eager to know what Shaggy’s top two Team Roles are?

If you guessed Teamworker (TW) and Resource Investigator (RI), you're absolutely right!

Teamworker:  loyal, perceptive, diplomatic. Caring and averts friction

Resource Investigator:  Communicative, outgoing, enthusiastic

Ironically, he can be more loyal than Scooby himself! Follows Scooby around like his own personal bodyguard. Ever the find-outer, Shaggy can, without being aware of it, get pretty chatty with ghosts too.

Shaggy always put's the team's interests before his own. He tries hard to avert friction and is constantly running away from trouble. Doesn't mind it a bit when scared Scooby jumps on to him. Quite willing to carry Scooby around while fleeing from spooky apparitions.

Shaggy is always on the lookout for new ideas. He brings ideas from all over the place and somehow sweet-talks his team into trying them all!

You can't say no to an RI. They're simply too charming! And Shaggy is right up there too!

Yes he's caring. Yes he's outspoken, charming and has contacts. But, a high performing team needs much more than that. Who implements these ideas? Who makes these plans work? Who makes sure that everyone is performing their best? Who removes jagged edges and makes sure things are completed to perfection?

Continue reading, to find out!

This post is an adaptation of the write up titled 'My perfect team? I haven't got a Scooby Doo' by BELBIN Associates, UK, in https://www.belbin.com/

Click the thumbnails below to read how the other members of the Scooby Doo crew contribute to make a perfect team.

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Let's BELBIN my team. I want to know how much my team is a Scooby Doo Crew. Tell me how.


1. Exploring spooky islands, chasing ghosts, catching villains- is there anything these “pesky kids” cannot do? Do you think the Scooby Doo crew makes a perfect team?

2. What makes the Scooby Doo crew a perfect team? Let's look at the team through the BELBIN lens! Every member of this crew is unique.

4. Sounds Familiar? Of course it does! It’s just good old Fred from the Scooby Doo crew gearing up for their next adventure! Soo how exactly does Fred lead the chase?

5. In this Scooby Doo series, we’ve been looking at this awesome crew through the Belbin lens! We’ve already seen Scooby, Shaggy and Fred!

6. You know Daphne has gotten herself into trouble, when you hear this! Daphne is the first one to run into trouble in the Scooby Crew.


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